
When To Consider PRP Therapy

If your goal is to achieve a more youthful, vibrant look through one or more cosmetic treatments. When considering PRP therapy can be easy to feel overwhelmed about your options. For instance, you might already know that Botox can help erase fine lines and wrinkles, and that laser treatment can help reverse sun damage and correct pigmentation irregularities. But if you want an overall facial makeover — or rejuvenation — what is your best option?

If you want smoother skin, improved skin tone, fewer fine lines and wrinkles, less puffiness and sagging, and the elimination of dark under-eye circles, look no further than PRP therapy. Read on for more information, and contact us to set up a consultation. See the path below.

What is PRP therapy?

PRP, which stands for Platelet Rich Plasma, is a treatment that uses plasma from your own blood cells to rejuvenate your skin by repairing collagen and regenerating healthy tissue to produce a more overall youthful look.

PRP therapy has been used in the health industry for over 30 years in other fields such as orthopedic surgery and has only recently been introduced to the field of cosmetic surgery.

How does PRP therapy work?

During PRP therapy, an experienced cosmetic surgeon draws a small amount of your blood and places it into a sterile tube. The tube is then placed into a unique centrifuge machine, which separates your plasma and platelets from red and white blood cells.

Following this process, the PRP is applied using micro-needling or injected into the areas you want to be treated using a fine needle. PRP therapy is commonly used to treat dark circles, puffiness, and crow’s feet around your eyes, fine lines and wrinkles around your mouth, crepey-looking skin on your face, neck, and décolletage, and acne scars.

Why should you choose PRP therapy?

PRP therapy is a natural way to improve the texture and appearance of your skin using your body’s own resources. With PRP therapy, you don’t have to worry about your body rejecting treatment or experiencing allergic reactions.

This treatment also offers short recovery and little to no pain following your appointment. You might experience tenderness and redness in the treated areas that feel a bit like sunburn, as well as some bruising and swelling. These minor recovery symptoms will vary from person to person.

If you take blood-thinning medications or non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), or suffer from anemia, bone cancer, or any other blood-related condition, consult with your healthcare provider before seeking PRP therapy. Your physician can help determine whether PRP therapy is safe given your current health condition.

How soon will you see results?

Patients start seeing noticeable results from PRP therapy within a few days of treatment, but the best results can be seen within two to three months.

Results from PRP therapy can last between one and two years, depending on the individual’s skin condition and lifestyle habits. For instance, those who wear sunscreen, practice a good skincare regimen, and eat healthy, whole foods can get more from PRP therapy.

Our clinic now offers PRP therapy along with other cosmetic facial rejuvenation treatments that can help erase signs of aging and make you look younger. Contact us today to request a consultation, and prepare to look and feel your best!

18 February 2021 PRP
About Dr. Nil Hoppins

Dr. Nil Hoppins is a consultant dermatologist and professor of medical dermatology specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders, treatment of severe scarring, and photodermatology. He has a strong background in translational research, and expertise in genetic skin disorders.

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